The Mama Bean

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Anxiety During Pregnancy After Loss Affirmations

Hi weary mama-to-be,

(Feel free to scroll down for the affirmations, but before then, a bit of encouragement)

As someone who has walked a similar path, I want you to know that your strength and courage are awe-inspiring. I understand the mix of emotions that fill your heart – the delicate dance between hope and fear, joy and trepidation. The road you're traveling is both tender and powerful, a journey that encapsulates the essence of resilience and love.

Through the ups and downs of my own experience, I've come to realize that this journey is about more than just the physical act of carrying life within you. It's a profound lesson in embracing the moment, acknowledging the past, and daring to dream for the future. I've felt the weight of grief and the warmth of hope coexisting within me, each reminding me of the complexity of the human heart. And in the midst of it all, I discovered the power of affirmations – simple yet potent words that can anchor us in the present, connect us to the life blossoming within, and offer solace during moments of doubt.

You are not alone in this. As you navigate the uncertainties and celebrate the triumphs, remember that your rainbow baby is a beacon of light, a testament to your unwavering love and spirit. With these affirmations, carefully crafted to nurture your mindfulness, gratitude, and connection with your sweet babe, I hope you find solace, strength, and a reminder that you are part of a community that understands and stands beside you. May these words guide you gently through this journey, reminding you of the beauty that can emerge from the storms, and the joy that is possible, even after loss.

With sincere compassion,

Affirmations for Anxiety during Pregnancy After Loss

  1. Today, I am pregnant.

  2. I release any fears from the past and embrace the joy of this present moment with my growing baby.

  3. With each breath, I inhale calmness and exhale any worries, knowing that my baby feels my peace.

  4. I honor my previous journey, but I choose to focus on the beauty and hope that this pregnancy brings.

  5. I am present in this pregnancy, cherishing the small moments and celebrating the milestones.

  6. I am surrounded by love and support, from both my inner strength and the people who care about me.

  7. I release any feelings of guilt or self-doubt, knowing that I am worthy of this new chapter in life.

  8. My rainbow baby is a symbol of hope and resilience, reminding me that beauty follows the storm.

  9. I am deserving of joy and happiness, and my pregnancy is a testament to the power of hope.

  10. I send positive energy and love to my baby, knowing that they can feel my intentions.

  11. My rainbow baby's spirit is strong, and they chose me to be their loving mother on this journey.

  12. Every day brings me closer to meeting my precious rainbow baby, and I savor the anticipation.

  13. I honor the memory of my previous loss while cherishing the new life growing within me.

  14. Each moment spent talking to, singing to, or simply being near my baby strengthens our connection.

  15. I am gentle with myself, allowing moments of vulnerability, and finding strength in embracing my emotions.

Feel free to repeat these affirmations daily or during moments of uncertainty or anxiety throughout the pregnancy. They are intended to bring comfort, strength, and mindfulness during this epic journey of pregnancy after loss.